Sign up for Digital Maker Collective latest updates & info list
Sign up for Digital Maker Collective latest updates & info list
Our online Eco system for the Digital Maker Collective currently consists of:
Internal - one way communication:
Office 365 group & emails (Only use to share weekly updates, please do not respond to these group emails as it sends to all, email direct if you have questions)
Office 365 group & emails (Only use to share weekly updates, please do not respond to these group emails as it sends to all, email direct if you have questions)
External - one way communication:
Mail Chimp email group (help keep in touch with Alumni & non UAL collaborators email accounts, sign up here - )
Online Home/Base - Resources, Profiles & Info
Digital Maker Collective on process.arts - This is for sharing updates on the groups people, projects and resources .All content is open and you can add content by logging in to process.arts using your UAL details or create an new account with your external email - See HELP page for adding content to the group.
Project Management
Trello - - This is for general day to day info, admin, project management, planning & early ideas development.
Social Media
For more general informal chat - Facebook Group -