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Stanley Kubrick archive visit

I visited the Stanley Kubrick archive today as part of the NAM web project we're working on, also had my DIAL and SCORE OER hat on at same time, was very interesting indeed, could easily get lost for years exploring all this archive material.

It was a little strange to see all this interesting content locked away, viewed and enjoyed by the few, reminded me of What Bob and Roberta smith said 'culture should be something you live in not visit'
This all got me thinking about UALs responsibility and how the archive could be being surfaced in creative ways so its more culturally significant, in an everyday sense, it very much felt like a locked away part of culture ?
The highlight of the visit was when Richard the Archivist talked passionately and well informed about the artefacts, for me this was more interesting than the objects, be good to capture this experience through video or audio could help breath life back into this archive so (culture) can enjoy and live in this space too.
See more about the Stanley Kubrick archive at London College of communication here: The Archive of acclaimed film maker Stanley Kubrick arrived at the University in March 2007.


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