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SCORE Fellowship Programme Interim Formative Evaluation Report

SCORE Project & Theme: Exploring collaborative use and re-use of OER rich media resources in art & design

Fellow: Chris Follows   

SCORE Fellowship Period: from July 2011 to June 2012

Project Aims

Brief details on your original aims for the Fellowship

The aims of the SCORE Fellowship Project are to explore relationships between traditional arts practice and OER practice.

Hard targets:

Support and encourage the use and reuse of OER practices and rich media content.

Investigate and evaluate the most effective and efficient ways of utilising OER in arts HEIs by identifying best processes and practices for creating learning resources/objects to support the learning and teaching.

Observe and contrast current practice in the OER community.

Examine the effectiveness of inter-college and HEI collaborations.

Develop an Arts-UKOER ‘Remix and Redistribute’ community of practice. 

Limited progress:

Examine the effective use of source files and edit notes in relation to producing better ‘editable’ learning resources/objects.

Investigate better methods of linking recourses with learning design by improving and exploring resource derivative information.

Project Progress

Brief details of whether you are on schedule, what changes have occurred, achievements so far, any problems or unforeseen developments, and actions needed to complete the Fellowship

Please see

Project Experience

Has your current project experience changed your approach/ways of working?

Yes, the project has provided new perspectives, specifically its allowed time and space to act and reflect on my OER practices and the practices of others. The fellowship has also provided new opportunities for my career, since starting the SCORE fellowship I have expanded my field of practice and CPD opportunities. The SCORE fellowship experience has played a key role in my employment and involvement institutionally and within the sector in the JISC UKOER OER programme 2 & 3,, developing a new Open Educational Practice unit as part of the UAL Academic Practice Framework - and DIAL project (Digital Integration into Arts Learning) a two year JISC funded digital literacies (DL) project at University of the arts London (UAL) -    


The fellowship has brought about change within my institution, my SCORE primary research and activity was open and demonstrated a visible impact on local institutional practices and the wider sector.

Interaction with other Fellows

Frequency, nature and usefulness of interactions with other Fellows

Sarah Atkinson and I have explored collaborative possibilities of working together and have developed projects and funding bids, we have also looked at institutional collaboration. We have also presented at conferences together. I have attended/ participated in various other activities, conferences and events with SCORE fellows.

Interaction with Mentor

Frequency, nature and usefulness of interactions with mentor

Tim Seal and I worked together in developing a JISC rapid innovation bid (unsuccessful) we also met up at the BETTS show in London. Tim also has been forwarding sector connections contacts.

Interactions with host Institution and wider OER Community

Frequency, nature and usefulness of interactions with people in host institution and others involved with OER in the UK and abroad.


Please see SCORE on process.arts -


Please see

Project outcomes

  1. How are you intending to maximise the effect of your project on a local and national level?
  2. How will benefits extend beyond SCORE funding?

The key outcome of this fellowship was to explore, create and embed sustainable environments, communities and practice at UAL. The recent adoption and development of the pilot OER project process.arts is largely due to SCORE activity and research on the site. The site will be an officially managed and supported OER space for developing and practicing OER and OEP for UAL and the wider sector.


Various collaborations with individuals and groups across the sector

Support JISC funded projects (see Project Experience), advisor and specialist support will have long term impact the host institution and the sector.


Other comments



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