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SUBJECTIVISATION OF SOUND: Sound workshop & performance Friday 11th March 2016 Chelsea

CCW Digital were really please to host a performance and master class Subjectivisation of Sound by Alexey Grachev and Sergey Komarov took place on March 11th at Chelsea College of Art Parade Ground. Alexey and Sergey are part of CYLAND and were visiting London as part of Convergence, a celebration of musical pioneers, visual artists and technologists. See some images of the event on the CYLAND website.

Founded in 2007, CYLAND is a nonprofit project dedicated to expanding the intersection of Art :: Tech through an annual international festival, visual exhibitions, sound art, video art, and educational programming.

SUBJECTIVISATION OF SOUND: Sound workshop & performance by guest artist Alexey Grachev and Sergey Komarov
Friday 11th March 2016 Parade Ground, Chelsea College of Art

Guest artist Alexey Grachev and Sergey Komarov then talked about their practice with students: 2.30 pm Informal discussion on the use of their experimental technologies in A216 Digital Projects Space at Chelsea College of Art.


Friday 11th March 2016

Performance: 1.00 pm in the Parade Ground, Chelsea College of Art (Open to all)

Workshop: 2.30 pm Informal discussion on the use of their experimental technologies in A216 Digital Projects Space at Chelsea College of Art. Limited spaces, to book a place on the workshop at 2:30 please contact: Chris Follows

This collaboration has been organised by artist and UAL academic Nicola Rae and is supported by CCW Digital and the CCW Pop Up Digital MakerSpace project an inter-disciplinary Student-Staff Collaboration project.

The ‘Pop Up Digital MakerSpace’ project aims to explore, share and build on our knowledge and experience of emergent digital practice and its relationship to disciplines at CCW and beyond.

More info online: CYFEST Workshop/Concert «SUBJECTIVIZATION OF SOUND»

See PDF attached for more event details

Twitter: @CCWDigital

Instagram: CCWDigital


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Creative Commons None (All Rights Reserved)
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Alexey Grachev and Sergey Komarov, by Alexey Grachev and Sergey Komarov are Reserved.