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Give Get of the CCW Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace

The main objective of the CCW Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace project is to develop staff and student inter-disciplinary resources of expertise, which could provide a model of support for emergent digital practice through a pop up style MakerSpace and community network.

The community of interest groups are motivated by shared interest of mutual learning and support. The groups collectively work towards specific goals of developing workshops/demos/hacks/showcase or Jam activities and events, which could ‘pop up’ in any location to support learning and teaching.

Give Get & Rules of the CCW Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace:

  • It's not a service: a voluntary community who come together via informal meet-ups, workshops & events
  • Safe/Fail experiments only: not suitable for meeting course deadlines, submissions & assessments
  • Contribute: Give something back to the community in some way share resources, tips, help others etc.
  • Stay connected: Once your a UAL Digital MakerSpacer your always a UAL Digital MakerSpacer
  • Patience/persistence: may need to invest a lot of time into learning

What you get in return:

  • Try: new exciting stuff & rethink old stuff
  • Learn: about new technologies in the arts 
  • Share: knowledge & experience together
  • Expertise: Be part of new and exciting evolving specialist communities
  • Events: take part in brilliant events as a member of the collective

The project is led by Chris Follows CCW Digital. To get involved or find out more please contact Chris Follows:

See our community of interest groups:

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Creative Commons None (All Rights Reserved)
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Give Get of the CCW Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace, by cfollows are Reserved.