Video Presentation Skills - Tips about Filming
The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to develop a pilot workshop model to teach video presentation skills and confidence to students.
The workshops have being devised by Laura North of SEE in collaboration with Chitra Buckley who runs MA Fashion Entrepreneurship at the London College of Fashion.
The video documents the activities and workshops we ran, the intention is to encourage other facilitators to run similar workshops themselves. There are a number of lessons learned that we have tried to convey with the intention of sharing good practice with UAL members of staff.
We have divided the video in 6 sections:
1 About the workshops see video
2. Workshops result see video
3. Tips about filming see video
4. Technical difficulties see video
5. Improvements see video
6. Recommendations see video

This Work, Video Presentation Skills - Tips about Filming, by Laura North - UAL - DIAL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.