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From Alamo to Photo

Although drawn lines on paper have played an important part in helping both explain and design our world, it would be a mistake to imagine drawing is just about images made with pens, pencils and p

SEE Curriculum Development Funded Project: Access Through Tools

Awarded SEE curriculum development funding in September 2014, a team of students, tutors and technicians from LCC's School of Design came together to curate and deliver a program

How art galleries can extend value creation capacity through arts-based collaborations

by Giovanni Schiuma

Creative partnerships for entrepreneurship development

Presentation delivered by Giustina Secundo as part of the Innovation Insights Hub's roundtable investigation into creative partnerships between culture and business within UAL Research For

artwork repair 2 remote image & visual teaching play space

See video is a commercial a visual aid to help think and share, teaching play space, remote brainstorming, story telling, mind mapping.


See video

From Adam Buxton's MeeBOX pilot, BBC3, 2007.

Why do we teach intellectual property at UAL?

See video

OHIM* visited UAL to find out more about 

Free Images download & use from National Gallery of Art

NGA Images is a repository of digital images of the collections of the National Gallery of Art. On this website you can search, browse, share, and download images.

Printing 1
