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OpenEducation special interest group

OpenEducation is a special interest group of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
The group was formed out of the work of SCORE (Support Centre for Open Education Resources in Education) which closes in July 2012. The remit of the group is to support, develop, sustain and influence Open Education use and policy.
What does OpenEducation do?
  • As a membership organisation the activities of OpenEducation will be determined by the members. Right now we are consulting with those who we know to be interested to find out what sort of an organisation they would like OpenEducation to be and how they would like to be involved.
  • OpenEducation will be running the OER13 Conference in March 2013.
  • OpenEducation has created and is managing the Open Education Statement of Commitment.
Get involved
OpenEducation is currently recruiting members. If you would like to get involved please email []
You can also follow us on twitter @OpenEG
We will email and tweet updates to the group as we make progress.
Note: SCORE will continue its support for OER in HE until July 2012. If you require support with any aspect of OER please contact
Make a commitment to Open Education
Education has the power to transform lives but too often access is restricted.  Among those excluded are those who lack the right qualifications, who cannot pay the fees or who are unable to accommodate a fixed schedule.  The Open Education movement seeks to remove barriers to education by freely sharing educational resources and adopting open educational practices.
If you feel strongly about Open Education make a commitment by signing our statement here
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