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Submitted by plindley on 13 November 2009 - 3:28pm
The ability of plaster to transform from a liquid state into a permanent solid makes it a very useful casting medium, while the in-between curing period can allow for more direct working as the mix
Submitted by Featured on 17 February 2011 - 11:49am
3D Studio Crit following a short group collaboration construction project, students were asked to work in groups and build a tower to specification using materials such as spaghetti, paper and coat
Submitted by plindley on 17 November 2009 - 4:02pm
Made from a used, disposable catering aluminium plate, part formed by hand, part by soft hammer and wooden block, the foil forms a box with satisfying rigidity, with a combination of sharply produc
Marco Chiandetti talks about the finished piece - loss wax process - part 8 - Chelsea college of art alumni Marco Chiandetti describes the the loss wax process for his bronze cast prior to his fina