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Artist Talk. fantich&young "Double Games, Red In Tooth And Claw" 2011

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fantich&young' artists talk about the concept, influences and the process of  creation: "Double Games, Red In Tooth and Claw." 2009 - 2010

Art work "Double

04 - Aluminium cube

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Light sheet aluminium, in this case 22 gauge or 0.71mm thick is easily worked, and while impractical to solder, lends itself well to pop riveting as a fixing method.

Camberwell Material Library

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Camberwell Material Library (created by Site created by Isabelle Tasseff-Elenkoff) is a research tool for students and staf

The loss wax process Introduction - Bronze casting - Part one

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PART 1 – The loss wax process Introduction - The loss wax process described by Chelsea college of art alumni Marco Chiandetti, supported by UAL foundry staff John Nicoll and Richard Elliott.

Sand Casting Process a basic Introduction tutorial

The four stages of Sand Casting Process a basic Introduction tutorial with Philip White and Jenny Dunseath in the foundry at Camberwell college of Art London.


10 - Wire sphere

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Copper coated mild steel is often sold as "welding rod" and is a very veratile model making material.

Sophie Robinson - figure sculpted and cast in fibreglass - sketch book

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Sophie Robinson talking about her sketch book and research during her BA exhibition at Wimbledon College of Art June 2009.

Jonny Wheatley

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During my final project,I made a series of clips of various students working. I filmed Jonny while he was in the process of sanding down a piece of paper into dust.

48 - Black p.v.c. sphere

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This is in fact the underside of object 14, but showing the smoothness and precision possible by vacuum forming p.v.c. sheet over an accurate mould.

51 - Wire sphere

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Made with the same type of wire as object , the sphere is quickly built up using soldered curved sections with a radius of 6-cm.