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OER reuse

OER (Open Educational resources) Reuse

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JISC OER Impact project - See My Notes The first UK study of OER reuse can be viewed in the findings of the JISC OER Impact project which

OER websites

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Open Educational Resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials and resources which have been made freely available on open web in repositories and website for use and re-use by others, OERs

John Casey ALTO Manchester OER11, Manchester

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Lecture slides - The ALTO Project:  Linking OERs to Professional Development and Knowledge Management activities.

Exploring reuse of open educational resource in art & design practice based learning & teaching.

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This (updated paper, post conference) aims to encourage feedback and debate around issues of how we best identify and evaluate the most effectiv

Jorum L&T Competition Sand Casting videos short-listed

We are very pleased to announce the Sand casting Core experiment videos  have been short-listed as finalists in Jorum Teaching & Learning Competition (see videos on process.arts here

Sand Casting - PART ONE with Philip White and Jenny Dunseath

See video

PART ONE - Sand Casting Process with Philip White and Jenny Dunseath in the foundry at Camberwell college of Art London.

Did Hans Namuth Kill Jackson Pollock?

See video

In 2006 held a Symposia : Did Hans Namuth Kill Jackson Pollock?

ALTO Competition

UAL student competition sponsored by the ALTO project

Designs on elearning conference: OER reuse stories

Title: OER reuse stories: exploring reuse of open educational

Creative Commons licences explained

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