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OER reuse

Creating and Teaching Art Online with John Casey and Chris Follows of ALTO and Process Arts

thumb image recently attended the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC), a gathering of educators and professionals interested in the availability and application of free online college course

William Furlong, Speaking of Art

See video

William Furlong belongs to the generation of British
artists (which includes Gilbert & George, Bruce McLean
and Richard Long) that developed a new concept of

Introduction to ALTO and process.arts at #ocwcglobal

See video

In this video John Casey and Chris Follows from the University of the arts London discuss the Arts Learn

AccessArt: How to use pencil measurements in life drawing

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Recently came across AccessArt a charity committed to furthering the advancement o

Find creative commons images with

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This site searches CC Flicker images you can use in your practice, this site specialises in finding creative commons images, have a go and please let us know what you think and how you used it, is

EGOER and IP-OER (case study example) in open arts practice

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Relationships and tensions between teaching practice and OEP practice.

Introduction, Innovative approaches in open educational practice at UAL

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A brief overview of current Innovative approaches in open educational practice at UAL by Chris Follows, university of the arts London (ALTO and SCORE).

future learning spaces

Last October Owen Kelly and  Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss organised the seventh

Shared OER (Open educational resource) video editing FCP server

See video

In this video from the learning studio event, Chris Follows talks about ways of making best practical use of art and design

The appropriation artist

The use and reuse of rich media is familiar territory for artists and a fundamental part of arts practice, below are some recent examples of artist appearing in high profile court cases defending t