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14 inspiring projects have been awarded funding to enhance the student experience at UAL. Discover the range of topics and practices they cover and start planning your own application now!
UAL staff can now apply for up to £5000 to develop the curriculum in ways that enhance the student experience and support transformative learning through experimentation, evaluation and inqui
Creative Attributes Framework explains how enterprise and employability learning forms a core part of the curriculum in arts, design and media degrees at University of the Arts London (UAL).
The GLAD (Group for Learning in Art and Design) Conference on 27th of February 2015 was held at Sheffield Hallam University with the theme of 'Controversy and Conformity: 25 y
Presentation delivered by Prof Giovanni Schiuma as part of the Innovation Insights Hub's roundtable investigation into creative partnerships between culture and business within UAL Researc
Presentation delivered by Giustina Secundo as part of the Innovation Insights Hub's roundtable investigation into creative partnerships between culture and business within UAL Research For