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Introduction to web development: Session 1

Introduction to web development: Session 1 | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Professional Online Identities (POI) Pilot Programme 2013/14

DIAL Student researchers, ambassadors, developers & designers

DIAL researcher: To enhance and build on DIAL student engagement and communication the DIAL project commissioned a student rep/researcher, who helps communicate student perceptions

Robin use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Robin answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

Matilde use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Matilde answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

Isabella use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Isabella answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

Alicia use of Digital in creative & educational practice

Watch this video!

The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Alicia answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

First results of Survey The use of Digital in creative & educational practice

Please see below First results of DIAL Survey 'The use of Digital in creative & educational practice', a new survey for Impact study 'The use of Digital in creative &

Tools and Equipment to support digital practice - IT issues

The university has undergone an incredible amount of change over the past two years in terms of digital tools and environment, including the

Six UAL colleges and six differing approaches to digital literacies

In terms of DIAL college wide engagement CSM (POI project – BA Performance Des