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Digital and Analogue Upcycle Group

The Digital and Analogue Upcycle Group will explore the relationship between old and new technology and how we Recycle/Upcycle old tech for art & design practice, we aim to build a UAL wide community of interest who participate in meet-ups to share of practice, collaborate with the sector & work together to develop exhibitions, workshops & events.

The group is part of CCW Digital and the CCW Pop Up Digital MakerSpace project an inter-disciplinary Student-Staff Collaboration.

The ‘Pop Up Digital MakerSpace project aims to explore, share and build on our knowledge and experience of emergent digital practice and its relationship to disciplines at CCW and beyond.

More details:

Twitter: @CCWDigital

Contact: Chris Follows

See more community of interest groups at CCW online: this is where external facing group updates and resources will be posted (You can add to these resources by tagging the main headings):

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Digital and Analogue Upcycle Group, by cfollows are Reserved.