HE Academy Changing the Learning Landscape Project
We are delighted to announce that UAL DIAL expression of interest for the @HEAcademy Changing the Learning Landscape project funding has been selected to proceed read more about CLL here. We have been preparing to launch the project in February 2014
CLTAD DIAL 14 project will be supporting a number of student digital champions for UAL over a period of four months Feb & May 2014. Student digital champions will explore ways to support, encourage and promote other students to engage and in the wealth of online DIAL project resources and groups created over the time of the project.
Celebrate, embed, share, critique and raise awareness of the JISC DIAL project work carried out over the JISC funded period (Nov 2011 to Nov 2013).
DIAL blog http://dial.myblog.arts.ac.uk/
DIAL projects and activities.
Call for student champions
The digital champions will disseminate the DIAL resources across the six colleges of the university with an aim of developing student communities of practice (CoPs) online and on site to grow and enhance current groups and create new student led CoPs.
DIAL will commission one student per college to ensure even representation, London College of Communication (LCC), London College of Fashion (LCF), Central Saint Martins (CSM) and Chelsea, Camberwell and Wimbledon Colleges of art (CCW)
This group will also become a DIAL student focus group.
The digital champions to focus on:
The students will be disseminating DIAL 2011/2013 work and exploring DIAL 2014 themes.
Students will gather feedback and evaluate use of DIAL resources.
The Professional Online Identities project (POI)
Resources explore the challenges and benefits for staff and students in gaining the skills to deliver and develop web making support and training for creating Creative Online Identities.
And related projects:
o Professional Online Identities programme: Up to date training programme, will update and evolve as the project progresses.
o Video presentation skills: This group aims to gather and share resources from all those interested in presentation skills.
o Open and Flexible Learning group: This group aims to highlight the open practice of individuals and groups who share personal and professional practice online.
o Copyright Issues: This group aims to bring together debate and support around all the copyright developments and issues relevant to ‘IPR digital literacies’ UAL practice.
o Drupal UAL: The project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal ‘open source’ web environments and projects.
o Digital Literacies in the arts: There are many different levels and types of DLs, these can be interest, discipline, subject, social, cultural, process and practice etc. specific.
o Social media UAL: A social media group to try and bring all the different UAL social media groups together to share good practice and UAL social media vision.
Proposed deliverable (resource/ presentation etc).
Students have an opportunity to directly influence the digital literacies institutional landscape, its development and direction by feeding there experiences back into DIAL 2014 work, which will impact on their practice and the practice of others.
All the resources and debates will be published openly on the web as with all DIAL previous work.
Focus groups.
Feb & May 2014, Reporting to HEA in June 2014
Funding 4k – HEA CLL funding 2k and DIAL match funding 2k
We would advertise the positions through our in-house Student enterprise and employability networks and also approach students who were involved in previous DIAL workshops, please see DIAL vox pops. UAL also have an in-house student temp agency ‘Arts Temps’ we can use to help employ and transfer the money to the students.

This Work, HE Academy Changing the Learning Landscape Project, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.