Meeting with CCSkills, SEE and DIAL
Katie Mills from SEE UAL Student Enterprise and employability and I had a very productive meeting with the CC Skills team on 27 June 2012.
Research proposal – bespoke research project on digital skills needs
The CC Skills team are really interested in the approach and areas DIAL are exploring in terms of defining todays graduates digital attributes, what hard and soft digital ‘skills’ do graduates need to know and practice in the 21st creative industries sector.
We would like to fund a collaborative commission between SEE, DIAL and CLTAD. The rough area or research approach we’d like to take is as follows:
Research what are the key digital attributes, hard and soft digital ‘skills’ a student needs and employer’s want.
1. We would like to commission research with: UAL students, staff and Alumni with an aim of compiling a clear overview and also draw out some key questions the stakeholders would like to ask employers.
Hard Skills: software applications, digital equipment, webmaking/development, digital tools etc.
Soft Skills: Relational skills (being/communicating online), building online communities, rich media use, experimental media, digital identities, digital citizenship, digital profiles, digital fluency, digital stewarding/support, managing digital life, marketing, social media strategies etc.
2. We would like to commission research with: CC Skills with their industry contacts and UAL industry contacts. Questions for this will be based on the research findings of the UAL consultations with UAL students, staff and Alumni.
Other notes:
Content sharing/cost-sharing between SEE, DIAL and Creative Choices
DIAL will link together with Ccskills amnd SEE to explore content sharing.
HE Skills Academy membership
Contact Head of Education Partnerships, Andy Levene, who leads on HE membership of our Skills Academy if we (UAL) are interested in discussing this further. Andy also led on our recent work looking at online learning resources (in this case for apprentices) so our paths may overlap on this front in the future!
JISC call for OER bids
CC Skills may interested in discussing the potential of joining forces

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