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Professional Online Identities – Joint Pilot Project (Learn-IT, CLTAD, DIAL, SEE)

Learn-IT, CLTAD, DIAL and SEE are developing a joint proposal for a pilot project addressing Professional Online Identities aimed at UAL students and staff. The draft proposal is below - input and comments from other colleagues very welcome...  

Project Summary: The project aims to provide resources, support, training and skills development in creating, developing and utilising professional online identities with the aim of enhancing student/graduate employability, industry readiness and hard and soft digital literacy and employability skills. Target of 18 participants for pilot – ideally one tutor/course director and two students (2nd year and final year) from each college.

Required Resources

  • A Project Manager (e.g. Chris Follows?) and/or individual college coordinators (e.g. SDO’s or participating college tutors?)
  • Trainers – internal/external industry/Associate lecturers
  • Training programme, content and materials for bespoke training sessions
  • Digital device per participant (tbc either all ipads or a variety of devices)
  • Digital and ‘professional identity’ mentors and/or platform for peer to peer support

Project Outputs

  • Tailored training and related training materials e.g. presentations, training video, worksheets, guides
  • Online professional/digital identities resources for staff, students, graduate – available  on VLE, SEE website, Learn IT etc - e.g. tool kit, guidelines, case studies, videos
  • Project impact monitoring, research and evaluation – which could inform a strategy for wider roll out – potentially a 2nd year version of ISHE focused on Professional Identities for Post Study (PIPS).
  • Information and research on digital skills/experience employers and creative industries want and need and how they value or assess these in recruitment (this is dependent on half day event and/or CCSkills/UAL employer research/survey)

Project Aims

  • More employable and industry ready students/graduates e.g. easier finding placements in final year and jobs/work post study, able to create and utilise professional identity, improved recording/presentation of creative work, enhanced skills, experience & confidence etc.
  • Enhance staff digital literacy, awareness and skills e.g. to embed digital literacy and skills within curriculum and student learning/experience.
  • Creation of a community of practice and peer to peer or mentoring structure


Summer 2012: Scope, plan and prepare.

Action: Project meeting with Directors of Learn IT, SEE and CLTAD – ensure full buy-in and support, agree project plan/schedule and resources/funding. Assign roles/responsibilities, identify project coordinator/manager. Identify and contact trainers. Contact legal team re contractual needs i.e. project agreements relating to funding/ipads.

First term: Identify and recruit students and staff.

Action:  Promote internally - Circulate project proposal/call to Course Directors/Tutors; College based meetings with interested staff/students; Select participants, agree terms and conditions, order equipment. Survey participants – aims and objectives, expectations, skills level & needs.

Second term: Run training e.g. 1) Professional/industry speakers on professional identities, role within creative industries, recruitment, industry etc 2) technical training, tips and tools e.g. devises, platforms, social media, images 3) self promotion, how to present yourself online, enhancing your employability  etc; Create a community of practice and framework for peer to peer and/or mentor support.

Action: Liaise with trainers, set dates, room bookings, participant communication, deliver training sessions

Third term: Feedback, evaluation and dissemination

Action: Feedback/evaluation meeting with Learn IT, SEE and CLTAD (and others). Review impact and value of wider role out and half day event involving industry, project team, staff, students).

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Arts students: everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Cara Courage rounds up the support and schemes in place to aid your transition to professional artistic practice

See full article here -

"Essential to any career is an online presence and UAL is one university piloting an in-depth programme to help its students create professional online identities. Its Process Arts programme goes beyond the humdrum 'how to use Facebook' sessions to enable students to create an online presence to help employability, shape a professional identity and present their work."

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This Work, UAL, by UAL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.