Where are we now and where are we going? This post records some notes I made following a OER Infrastructure group discussions at the SCORE autumn Symposium, as we talked I began to see the OER landscape and its tools on two polarities. I also see the notion of setting up and developing OER infrastructures as very subject specific. I created this Prezi to help see what the grey area was in the middle and see if this is where the most effective and sustainable OER infrastructure could exist?
Prezi link - http://prezi.com/5cuoda0ofiu5/infrastructure/
Wiki link - http://www.open.ac.uk/wikis/oer/Themes
Rigid - Flexible
Closed - open
Institutional - Social
Complicated - simple
Accessible - inaccessible
Technical - non-technical
Out sourced - In House
Technical Aggregation - Community (human) Aggregation
Fixed - Agile
Practice - community of practice
General - specialist
Public - private
Formal - informal
Low risk - High Risk
IT - Commercial providers
Tacit - Explicit
Paid for system - Open source
Course specific
Policy driven
Private and Public
OER obstacles
General Participation
Focus on users
Forced voluntary
Teacher's voice
Creative commons
Universal language
Sustainable open practice
Digital literacies
High production value
Low production value