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Eckhart Tolle: Ego vs. Habit Pattern

See video

Excerpt from Can We Make Friends With The Ego also see: How to drop your ego and assert your essence identity (real I) Eckhart Tolle -

Lessons learned from introducing blogging to teaching staff

Lessons learned from introducing blogging to teaching staff in the context of a compulsory professional development programme

Drupal UAL drop-in sessions

As part of the DIAL project  and UAL Communities o

Professional Online Identities Lego Serious Play feedback

Watch this video!

In this video Denisa reflects on her experience in taking part in the Lego Serious Play workshops at CSM

DIAL project documents

Attached are documents for the DIAL project - many of the documents are draft documents and will be replaced daily with updated versions.

OER13 audio recording EGO, OER and LSP (Lego Serious Play)

Watch this video!

Audio recording OER13 talking EGO, OER and LSP (Lego Serious Play) also view on Youtube.

Stanley Kubrick archive visit

I visited the Stanley Kubrick archive today as part of the NAM web project we're working on, also had my

DIAL links

thumb image

We are in the process of creating an online forum/website home for DIAL, we are planing to take advantage of existing frameworks and developments to host and build this space using drupal, mor

DIAL things update for SMT

From the outset of the DIAL project it seemed a good opportunity for Library Services to engage with other University staff in discussions around digital literacy, and to look at means of developin