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How to Set up and Create a Google Drive Account (Part Deux)

Following on from our joint post, Things unLimited's Prototype Thing has been discussed,

Video presentation skills workshops – an overview

Our objective for the DIAL online presentation skills community was to work out ways of developing video presentation skills with students.

DIAL Evaluation Report

This report evaluates the progress of four projects within the JISC-funded UAL Project DIAL (Digital Integration into Arts Learning).

Talking about online and offline Communities of Practice for the Creative Online Identities course

Watch this video!

Talking about online and offline Communities of Practice for the Creative Online Identities course with PDP students from Central Saint Martins UAL.

Video Presentation Skills - About the workshop

Watch this video!

The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE.

Introduction into digital copyright

A mystery revealed - Copyright, design, trade mark and patents for students (Workshop 1) | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Mozilla Web Literacy Skills

Prepare people for participation and contribution in today’s (and tomorrow’s) digital society and global economy.

Video Presentation Skills - Improvements

Watch this video!

The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to dev

Isabella use of Digital in creative & educational practice

Watch this video!

The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Isabella answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

Design Implementation - Blogging

Design Implementation - Blogging | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14