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More than Profit Social Entrepreneur Network

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'More Than Profit' is a new social enterprise programme led by Student Enterprise and Employability (SEE) and centre of Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability (

First results of Survey The use of Digital in creative & educational practice

Please see below First results of DIAL Survey 'The use of Digital in creative & educational practice', a new survey for Impact study 'The use of Digital in creative &

Interview with Simon Hinde, Programme Director, Jounalism and Publishing at LCC

Saying ‘I won’t use twitter’…it’s like saying ‘I won’t use the Library’

Feedback report on DIAL and Drupal UAL (draft 06.06.13)

As an art student at Wimbledon I was quickly introduced to basic online practices by the requirements of the course, blogging and online research.

Professional Online Identities Lego Serious Play Eimear feedback

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In this video Eimear a student at CSM reflects on her experience in taking part in the Lego Serious Play wo

The Kids' Guide to the Internet

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What's it all about? Surf the "Net" Chat on-line, Join "The Jamisons" As They Learn How Computers Make Learning Fun!

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Robin use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Robin answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

Video Presentation Skills - Recommendations

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to deve

Creating rich media open educational resources OERs Pt 3 of 4

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Webinar recording of an online presentation and discussion with

Landing page for Library Services resources

This is the final landing page for the Things Unlimited project and resources, the Libra