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Creative Commons - sharing and promoting your work online

Creative Commons - sharing and promoting your work online (Workshop 2) | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Interview with Gill Addison, Stage 3 Coordinator for BA Fine Art at Chelsea

Education is about Enabling

An overview of process.arts a webinar recording at University of Brighton Pt 1 of 4

Watch this video!

Webinar recording of an online presentation and discussion with

SHOW & TELL event 16/09/13 Platform Theatre & Bar, CSM

The DIAL project and Drupal UAL team will be presenting a PechaKucha session at 14.40, we'll be showcasing the Free Open Source Web Development community of practice: See

Video Presentation Skills - Technical difficulties

Watch this video!

The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to dev

Using video for messages, information and personal tutorials

UAL’s Digital Integration into Arts Learning (DIAL) project aims to carry out a small number of staff and student led projects and case studies, which will explore the pace of technologi

Library Services things Unlimited update for DIAL draft final report

Library Services things Unlimited project update for the DIAL project draft final report.

DIAL Evaluation Report (Open Educational Resources)

This report evaluates the progress of four projects within the JISC-funded UAL Project DIAL (Digital Integration into Arts Learning).

Google Glass and Wearable tech at UAL

As part of the wearable technology project and collaboration with DIAL my role is as project coordinator, you can see my previous proj

DIAL at Designs on e-Learning Conference 2013 Wilmington USA

The University of North Carolina at Wilmington’s Center for Teaching Excellence is pleased to partner with Penn State University and the University Arts London in hosting the 8th annual