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Trying Google Glass

On Thursday morning (17th July) Myself, Chris Follow (DIAL project Manager) and Grzesiek Sedek headed to the google glass basecamp in King Cross to try out the new google glass.

Q.7 Should UAL evaluate digital skill levels of staff and students?

Summary of feed back from students who interviewed students Q.7 part of&n

Learning as arts practice, your a MOOC!

At the recent launch event for the new Tate Research Centre: Learning, the Director Tate Modern Chris Dercon comment

Feedback from DigiTell 2014; Exploring Online Presence in Creative Practice

As part of DigiTell 2014; Exploring Online Presence in Creative Practice, attendee's to the symposium wer

Notes from the first week of community meetings.

In the first week of the 'changing the learning landscapes' online identities project there were three meeting, (unfortunately the meeting at LCF was poposed to the following week).

Interview with Jeff Dennis, Senior Academic Lecturer for BA Fine Art at Chelsea

There are a lot of things out there that remains latent, remains as potential, because people haven't figured out interesting things to do with them.

Meeting #3 CSM : Press Play

About UAL Changing the Learning Landscape Group

The Changing the Learning Landscape: Online identities group is a UAL CLTAD - 

Proposal for online identities freshers stall

This proposal was submitted by Filip Bigos, Community Developer for the LCC COPYourself community.

Slides for Open Online Communities of Interest OCWC Global 14

Please see slides from the OCW Consortium Global Conference dissemination track below and also see HTML5 interactive version here http://openpracti