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Online Identities - COPYourself Meeting #2

Brief for Community Developers

This brief describes the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' project, in relation to how the student community developers will set up their communities, suggestions on topics to discuss and t

DIAL 2014 Summary and overview

Review CLTAD provision for ‘DIAL like’ work in the development and delivery of college digital projects, outside the current CLTAD delivery model.

Proposal for Creation of Student-Run Creative Online Identities Website

This proposal has been produced by Kimberley Cunningham, the Community Developer for CSM; Press Play.

CLL communities

Online Communities: The community developers all created online communities (facebook groups, twitter, process.arts and blogs) to reflect the finding of their community group,

20:20 project funding evaluation

For the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' online identities project successful applied for additional funding from arts temps

Christian Payne: speaker at DigiTell 2014

See video

We're really please to announce Christian Payne (aka Documentally) as one of our speakers at

Meeting #1 CSM : Press Play

The students in attendance were from BA Criticism, Communication and Curation, with varying interests in this field.

How to post on process arts for 'Wearable Technology'

The follow guide tells you how to post on the process arts website, under the Wearable Technology in the Arts page:

CLL Online Identities Results Graphics

The following shows the graphic visualizations of our findings from the CLL online identities project, designed by Safiyya Lee.