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LCF Sense - First Meeting

LCF sense is a community to discuss any online identities issues with the LCF students. During our first meeting we have raised up different online problems that students faced.

CCW ON POINT notes from the second meeting

Notes by Jheni Arboine;     Notes of the meeting   This meeting had refreshments and this made a big d

Proposal for a Online Identities Symposium

This proposal has been produced by Kimberley Cunningham, the Community Developer for CSM; Press Play.

CCW ON POINT notes from the third 'all group' meeting

Notes by Jheni Arboine;

Issues/ideas raised by ONPOINT meetings

All community meeting, developing a plan for our findings

Main points from the meeting:   There needs to be more web training There is a need for the staff to be aware of online resou

How to post on process arts for 'Changing the Learning Landspace'

1.   Log into your account, when you get to the first page, click ‘create content’

DIAL online identities project on Instagram

We're on instagram.

LCF Sense - Second Meeting

During our second meeting, we continue to discuss the issues  we focus on last the meeting.  

Posters for the Online identities communities

There are two poster designs for the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' online identities project, each poster has been tailored to the individual group leaders with their contacts details,

CCW ON POINT, research photos with CCW communities.

As part of the