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Open Education, UAL and the Tate Gallery

I was invited to the Tate this week to talk with some Tate staff about the open education work I’ve been doing over the past few years at UAL as well as other related work. 

Survey for Impact study The use of Digital in creative & educational practice

Please see attached below a new survey/Impact study 'The use of Digital in creative & educational practice', this survey has been developed with students and is being used by students t

8 Best Apps for Team Collaboration

As more and more apps utilize the cloud's file-storing and -sharing capabilities, remote team collaboration becomes even easier.

What do you think about your POI experience 3-3?

Watch this video!

In this video 3 of 3 Pedro reflects on his experience in taking part in the 

Copyright and IPR for CSM staff and POI project team (STAFF ONLY EVENT)

The Professional Online Identities project see overview will identify and develop specific digital li

The Digital Textiles iPad - Introduction & Research Plan


Should digital skills be assessed at the start of a course? 2-3

Watch this video!

In this video 2 of 3 

Things Unlimited pilot example

This is the first live prototype from the DIAL Things Unlimited project example -

Camberwell My Digital Life Workshop

See video

Back in November, My Digital Life held a digital bar camp at Camberwell College, inviting participants to speak about their digital lives.

Video presentation skills workshops info for DIAL draft final report

Video presentation skills workshops info for DIAL draft final report, the DIAL project led by Laura North set out to help students develop video presentation skills as well as provide support for U