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Alicia use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Alicia answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

Using video for messages, information and Personal Tutorials Project overview

UAL’s Digital Integration into Arts Learning (DIAL) project aims to carry out a small number of staff and student led projects and case studies, which will explore the pace of technological c

POI Programme - IP and Creative Commons Sessions Feedback

In April and May we finally saw the launch of DIAL Professional Online Identities project (POI).

3D view of websites

3D view of websites using Firefox browser - Tools - Web Developer, heres process.arts front page

Tools and Equipment to support digital practice - IT issues

The university has undergone an incredible amount of change over the past two years in terms of digital tools and environment, including the

Video Presentation Skills - Tips about Filming

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE.

The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version)

See video

This is a slightly revised and cleaned up version of the video that was featured on YouTube in February 2007.

Learning Identities in a Digital Age

Book recommendation via @Catriona_O Digital media are increasingly interwoven into how we understand society and ourselves today.

Video Presentation Skills - Workshop results

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The Video Presentation Skills Video is the result of a collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE. The project has enabled to deve

Networked groups and cross college collaboration

DIAL successfully explored new ways of developing cross college collaborations, these new partnerships proved a valuable and sustainable method of the departmental embedding DLs long term.