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23 things for UAL

This project focuses on digital information literacy, addressing this initially through a process of discussion and confidence building with Library Services staff.

Cluster meeting 26 April 2013

JISC Cluster meeting 26 April 2013 Chris Follows & John Jackson, University of Arts London, Meeting of London JISC Digital literacies Programme projects, UCL, 26 April 2013.

Which university online service do you use?

How process.arts fits into UAL or how do UAL services fit into process.arts?

DIAL Student researchers, ambassadors, developers & designers

DIAL researcher: To enhance and build on DIAL student engagement and communication the DIAL project commissioned a student rep/researcher, who helps communicate student perceptions

Notes from kick off meetings ‘Understanding digital literacies at UAL

We kicked off the first ‘Understanding digital literacies at UAL definitions and competencies’ meetings at UALs High

Digital literacies in the arts focus group meeting

Mapping Digital literacies and competencies, as part of the 'Understandi

Learn-IT Professional Online Identity update

Banner files for Drupal UAL

Please see attached below Banner files including photoshop docs for Professional Online Identities project. 

DIAL 2011 - 2013 Executive Summary

Please see below DIAL 2011 - 2013 Executive Summary graphic and PDF versions.

Project plan process.arts as a service

Process.arts, a grass roots web2.0 open educational environment for sharing day-to-day arts practice and research of staff and students, currently provides a new ‘open learning’ space t