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Benefits and beneficiaries DIAL Professional Online Identities Project

Benefits and beneficiaries DIAL Professional Online Identities Project

Interview with Karin Askham, Dean of Media at LCC.

See video

This interview was conducted with Karin Askham, Dean of Media at LCC, by COPYourself LCC Community Developer,

Q & A webinar recording at University of Brighton Pt 4 of 4

Watch this video!

Webinar recording of an online presentation and discussion with

The Digital Textiles iPad - Focus:1/Stage:1

Stage 1 - Learning/comparing Software - iDraw Vs Adobe Illustrator: (March - April 2014)


Time Scale for project

This shows the time scale for the student community developers that we are working with on the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' project.

Professional Online Identities and the Objective Design Process 1-3

Watch this video!

In this video 1 of 3 Pedro reflects on his experience in taking part in the

Meeting #2 CSM : Press Play

Yesterday we had our 2nd community meeting with BA Criticism, Communication & Curation students, and we were joined by Joe Easeman, Project Co-Ordinator for the DIAL project. 

Decoded Training day

I had a number of reservations about a training day in coding. First and foremost being that I have never done any coding before and had no idea how it even worked, let alone how to use it.

CLL online identities visitor/resident maps