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19 - Wire mesh cubes

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Grid like lattices offer a wide range of possibilities across many disciplines.

26 - wire cube

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A useful material for model makers of all disciplines is copper coated mild steel; “CCMS” often known and sold as welding rod.

10 - Wire sphere

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Copper coated mild steel is often sold as "welding rod" and is a very veratile model making material.

51 - Wire sphere

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Made with the same type of wire as object , the sphere is quickly built up using soldered curved sections with a radius of 6-cm.

17 - Bubble

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Theoretically the perfect sphere: although it’s life is short, it doesn’t react well or easily to modification and it has limited practical strength, the ignominiously named bubble is in fact a com

50 - Iron wire ball

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The material is black iron annealed wire, 16 standard wire gauge, soft, and satisfying to bend between finger and thumb.