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University of the Arts London

CLL communities

Online Communities: The community developers all created online communities (facebook groups, twitter, process.arts and blogs) to reflect the finding of their community group,

Exploring the links between Arts and Business: insights for creative-based education

Presentation delivered by Prof Giovanni Schiuma as part of the CCW series 'The Expanded Designer: Education'.

20:20 project funding evaluation

For the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' online identities project successful applied for additional funding from arts temps

What is the Point of Employability in Art and Design? CHEAD Symposium

This symposium will offer colleagues the opportunity to examine enterprise and employability in the context of Art and Design higher education.

How to post on process arts for 'Wearable Technology'

The follow guide tells you how to post on the process arts website, under the Wearable Technology in the Arts page:

CLL Online Identities Results Graphics

The following shows the graphic visualizations of our findings from the CLL online identities project, designed by Safiyya Lee.

Teaching Development Project -Will reduction of tutor led support in the final year degree show exhibition task, for live events and television students, improve students’ engagement and attainment?

See video

Teachers who approach teaching in a student focused way ‘…..conceive teaching in terms of helping students to develop and change their conceptions and appro

Teaching as Creative Practice Symposium: Resources from the day

University of the Arts (UAL) symposium explored the relationship between creative practice, creative teaching and teacher identity.


Managing and Innovating Business Models of Cultural Organisations

Workshop presentation by Prof Giovanni Schiuma at the Trans Europe Halles Meeting 78, ‘Cooperation, not competition’, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 9-12 October 2014.

UAL Curriculum Development Funding - Apply Now

UAL staff can now apply for up to £5000 to develop the curriculum in ways that enhance the student experience and support transformative learning through experimentation, evaluation and inqui