This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.


The PlanEt project

PlanEt is a collaboration research project between World Wilder Lab ( , Cyril Shing and DRS02 from Chels

Chelsea Jam video

Watch this video!

A short one-minute video compilation from the Chelsea Jam event, CCW Digital MakerSpace on May 13th 2015 at Chelsea College of Arts. View on YouTube

About Digital Maker Collective

The Digital Maker Collective are an open group of University of the Arts staff, students, alumni who share common goals of exploring digital &am

Autodesk Circuits - Electronics Lab

See video

This is a quick overview of what you can do in the 123D Circuits Electronics Lab. 'The easiest way to learn electronics
and Arduino programming' - What do you think, looks good?

10 community tools for online collaboration

A useful overview of community tools for online collaboration article is part of Jono Bacon's Six Degrees column where he shares his thoughts and perspecti

Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace week 7 & 8 Highlights

We had our most productive & interesting couple of weeks to date between the 7th -18th March, see below links to info and images from the meet-ups, workshops and events.

Line up of staff, students & alumni representing UAL Digital Maker Collective at MozFest 16

The Digital Maker Collective University of the Arts London are really pleased

About DigiTell

DigiTell: Sharing experience of digital arts learning, teaching & practice, perspectives of emergent practice from students, staff & the creative industries.

3D Scan with Einscan S

Great tutorial review here on 3D scanner Einscan-S the

UAL Digital Jam at the Technical Staff Conference 2015

UAL Tech Jam University of the Arts London Technical Staff Conference 2015 in the Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden on 14th December.