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Virtual Reality Workshop 27th April 2016

This event was part of the planning for the ‘CCW

Digital Making in the Curriculum

CCW Digital are really pleased to be 1 of 28 projects who have been awarded funding by the Teaching and Learning Exchange supported projects focusing on Creative Curricula.

3D printing made simple (Workshop)

Introduction to 3D printing, using Blender software and our Ultimaker 3D printer for CCW staff & students, the workshop will be led by Alejandro Escobar currently studying on the MA Fine Art Di

Melanie Bowles at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Melanie Bowles | Senior Lecturer, Digital Textile Design Chelsea College of Art | Print Make Wear - the complete DIY textile design loop

Presentation slides for UAL Futures Co-Design Workshop

Presentation slides for UAL Futures Co-Design Workshop Two, LCC 4th June 2015, Chris Follows, Digital Learning Technologies Manager, CCW Learning, Teaching & Enhancement (LTE), University of th

Student-Led Discussion: Digital Technology & the Arts

As part of CCW Digital Maker Week from 16th to 20th May 2016, there will be a student-led round tab

Molly Smisko student working with Virtual Reality

See video

Molly Smisko, BA textiles Year 3 will help lead the CCW Virtual Reality group, part of

Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace Week 3 & 4

Headlines from the past two weeks (1-12 Feb 2016) of the Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace project at UAL CCW are below listed below:

Your thoughts about Chelsea Jam and ideas about what next ?

Many thanks for being part of the Chelsea Jam CCW MakerSpace day 13th May 2015 part of CCW Digital Lear

Day 2 - CCW Digital Maker Week: Internet of Things (IoT)

Day 2 - CCW Digital Maker Week: Internet of Things (IoT) Chelsea College of Arts, SU Bar o