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Virtual/Mixed Reality Q&A Meet-Up 03/03/16

Virtual/Mixed Reality Q&A Meet-Up will take place on Thurs 3rd March 2pm to 4pm at Chelsea College of Arts in A216 Digital Projects Space

Short video of the informal group discussions

Watch this video!

Short video of the informal group discussions:

Online Presence: useful resources from University of Hull

Some useful resources and info on this site from the University of Hull 'The Digital Student' covering themes such a

Arduino, sensors and interactive tech Q&A Meet-Up 02/03/16

Arduino Q&A Meet-Up: An opportunity staff & students who would like to learn more about or try arduino, sensors, interactive tech and physical computing to meet informally with staff &

Digital Literacy in the Disciplines wiki

This is a workspace wiki to gather project information for sharing between participants and their communities. The intention is to

Student Digital Maker Lucy at WCA

Another great example of work being produced at Wimbledon College of arts by a student engaging in physical computing mixing traditional and new tech as part of her arts practice.

Twitter storify from Chelsea Jam CCW Digital MakerSpace day 13 May 2015

Twitter storify from Chelsea Jam CCW Digital MakerSpace day 13 May 2015 free online courses on developing your online presence free online courses on developing your online presence. 

Tech City CEO Gerard Grech on Britain’s digital ambition

See video
The internet of things, the importance of digital skills and hopes for the tech industry under the new UK government were just some o

WorkShop Using Sensors to Detect Sculptural Space

Using Sensors to Detect Sculptural Space.