This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.


What’s Happening Week 23-27 Jan 2017

Less than 20 days until our first Digital Maker event at Tate Exchange so we are in full T

3d Printing Meet-Up Basics 16-06-16

3d Printing Meet-Up - This meet up is for those new to 3D printing to come along and participate in a small group discussion about 3D printing.

Images from Digital Maker Collective Tate Exchange Event 8th Feb 2017

On 8th Feb 2017 between 12 & 6pm University of the Arts London (UAL) Digital Maker Collective delivered the 1st of 4 'Digital Making Art School' events at

Give Get of the CCW Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace

The main objective of the CCW Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace project is to develop staff and student inter-disciplinary resou

Add your details to the Digital Maker Collective profile list

If you have been actively involved or have just started contributing to the Digital Maker Collective and would like to add your details to the Digital Maker Collective profile list, we need the fol

Visitors and Residents Mapping

See video

There are plenty of ways to get online some easy and some not so easy, making an informed choice based on your long term needs could make a huge difference to how your online environment, life, pre

Virtual Reality Meet Up & Play 15-06-16

Virtual Reality Meet Up & Play - discussing, sharing ideas and or learning a bit about how virtual reality, augmented reality World Building, 3D & VR (Ba

Arduino, sensors and interactive tech Q&A Meet-Up Weds 16-03-16

Arduino Q&A Meet-Up will take place on Weds 16th March 2016 1pm to 4pm at Chelsea College of Arts in A216 Digital Projects Space

3D Printing Meet-Up Friday 18th March 2-4pm

3D Printing Meet-Up Friday 18th March 2-4pm at Chelsea College of Arts in A216 Digital Projects Space.

Video of the informal group session

Watch this video!

We had a really great turn out for the DIALOGUE 02 event yesterday (22/04/2015).