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'Normcore' combining set design, puppetry, projection mapping and animation into a glorious mess

Multimedia video ‘Normcore’ combining set design, puppetry, projection mapping and animation into a glorious mess.

Digital Artists Show and Tell event at the Tate 16 Nov 2015

The Digital and Digital Learning teams are inviting all colleagues to a Show and Tell event on

Here East maker community and #makerpaper

See video

Introducing Here East, one of London’s biggest developments: over a million square feet of hyper-connected commercial space.

Microsoft HoloLens

See video

We envisioned a world where technology could become more personal. Where it could adapt to the natural ways we communicate, learn, and create.

SUBJECTIVISATION OF SOUND: Sound workshop & performance Friday 11th March 2016 Chelsea

CCW Digital were really please to host a performance and master class Subjectivisation of Sound by Alexey Grachev and Sergey Komarov took place on March 11th at Chelsea College of Art Parade Ground

Jon Clair at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Jon Clair | WCA Student MFA | Where the body meets the screen

Supporting Creative Online Practice

Over the past few years the University of the Arts London (UAL) has worked closely with staff and students in exploring aspects of ‘online identities:

Day 5 - Friday 20th Un-Conference (Critique & Debate) & Closing Drinks Reception

Day 5 - CCW Digital Maker Week: Un-Conference

MakerSpace Presentations and #ChelseaJam un-Conference

Along side the 14 different MakerSpace activities (drop-in 11am to 4pm) in the Banquetting Hall at Chesea on May 13th (see