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Pearson and the London Knowledge Lab present Intelligence Unleashed: Education and AI in the lab

See video

On 15th October 2015 the London Knowledge Lab hosted an event in collaboration with Pearson gathering together teachers, education technologists and experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence

The Open Workshop Network, a virtual repository of the open access facilities across London

From screen printing to welding, 3D scanning to plaster casting, the Open Workshop Network provides a platform for any and every London-

Soldering is Easy The Complete Comic Book!

Do you want to learn how to solder?  Do you want to teach other people how to solder ?

What is Digital Art?

See video

A new video exploring the rich horizons offered by digital art has been released by The British Council.

UAL Futures at Chelsea Jam: Co-designing a Digital Creative Toolkit for UAL

UAL Futures is an initiative exploring ways to support digital skills and creativity across University of the Arts London. 

Images from the event:

Physical Computing and IOT Information

IOT: Internet of Things. A concept encompassing the increasing inter-connectivity of physical objects via the internet.

Make It On The Day: Hands on experience with different kinds of Arduino kits

Session: Make It On The Day! Hands on experience with different kinds of Arduino kits provided by Nick and Phil, Chelsea College of the Arts specialist techs.

Virtual/Mixed Reality Q&A Meet-Up 10/03/16

Watch this video!

Virtual/Mixed Reality Q&A Meet-Up will take place on Thurs 10th March 2pm to 4pm at Chelsea College of Arts in A216 Digital Projects Space

Medway Makers and Science Faction at CCW MakerSpace Chelsea Jam

Medway Makers group is for anyone who makes anything or would like to make anything i.e.

Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace week 5 & 6 Highlights

Highlights from week 5 & 6 of the the Pop-Up Digital MakerSpace project at UAL CCW:   Our First Arduino Q&