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Chelsea Jam programme May 13th 2015

Please see Chelsea Jam CCW Digital MakerSpace programme (download pdf here) for May 13th 20

Gravity Sketch user testing with Chelsea MAGDC students

See video

Following on from our first introduction to the Gravity Sketch team by the Tate at the

How artificial intelligence will make technology disappear

A recording from a really interesting event and presentation about Artificial intelligence (AI the ability to create autonomy in artificial agents) what AI is (and isn’t), foster constructive

Rosemary Munro Kerr at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Rosemary Munro Kerr | WCA Student MFA | 'Solar-technik' a digital replication of experienced sunlight.   Images from Chelsea

Chelsea BA ISD PlanEt Project at UAL Tech Conference 2015

Watch this video!

As part of CCW Digital ongoing collaboration with students, staff and industry exploring emergent tec

MakerSpace for Open Practice - Draft abstract

University of the Arts London (UAL) has led the field in open education & digital literacies activities & projects in arts subjects over the past eight years, mostly through external or par

Liz Corbin of the Open Workshop Network at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Liz Corbin, resident PhD student at the Institute of Making and organizer of the Open Workshop Network 

Photos from the session:

Book for CCW Digital MakerSpace day: Chelsea Jam

Drop-in and talk to students, staff and industry practitioners involved in digital MakerSpaces, maker movement, networks & communities

Images from CCW Digital Maker Week 2016

Between the 16th & 20th May 2016 CCW Digital Learning, Teaching & Enhancement held its first

MakerSpace for Open Practice DeL 2015

University of the Arts London (UAL) has led the field in open education & digital literacies activities & projects in arts subjects over the past eight years, mostly through external or par