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The Micro Bit is a small a pocket-sized computer developed through an ambitious collaboration of tech and industry partners led by the BBC and is set to be given to all one million UK based Year 7
Joanna Neil | lecturer for textiles, fashion, interior design and design disciplines at University Centre Blackburn College and a PhD student based in the School of Education at the Univers
There are a huge number of potentially disruptive business models for digital delivery of educational experiences and content emerging outside of traditional educational institutions.
A great turn out at the DIALOGUE 02 event yesterday (22/04/2015), we saw a nice mix of academic, technical, research & central services staff from across all UAL colleges as well as student rep
The virtual learning environment (VLE) at University of the arts London (UAL) is quickly becoming an accepted norm for delivering the UAL online L&T experience, best practice examples provide c