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Defining Digital literacies focus group at LCF

The 3rd UAL Defining Digital literacies focus group took place at LCF on 5/6/13 DIAL were invited to deliver this as part of their Digital Champions Meeting.

Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Professional Online Identities (POI) Pilot Programme 2013/14

Video presentation skills workshops from the DIAL project

Video presentation skills workshop documentation is a DIAL funded project that provides UAL staff and students with a collection of resources to help learn and teach presentation skills w

Utilitarianism & the Art School in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Dr Malcolm Quinn

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Utilitarianism & the Art School in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Dr Malcolm Quinn

DIAL Student researchers, ambassadors, developers & designers

DIAL researcher: To enhance and build on DIAL student engagement and communication the DIAL project commissioned a student rep/researcher, who helps communicate student perceptions

Drupal drop in: Session 1

Drupal drop in: Session 1 | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Matilde use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Matilde answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

Introduction into digital copyright

A mystery revealed - Copyright, design, trade mark and patents for students (Workshop 1) | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Isabella use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Isabella answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey.

How to enforce your rights and resolve disputes - The Creatives

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Rachael Taylor shares her story of infringement of her textile designs by a large retailer.