This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.


Web development: Session 2

Web development: Session 2 | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14


How you can record Virtual reality game play from Steam VR or Oculus rift wi

Digital woven design with electronic loom control - Chelsea weave department at CCW Digital MakerSpace

Chelsea College of Arts weave department : Lisa Bloomer (academic) Roz Cottrell and Bec Chivers (technical)

Chelsea Jam CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Chelsea Jam: CCW Digital MakerSpace day | May 13th 2015 |

Jisc MediaHub lots of rich media for educational use

Jisc is now offering over 130,000 media items free to further education providers Jisc is now offering further education (FE) providers’ free subscription to Jisc MediaHub.

DIALOGUE 02: CCW Digital Enhancement staff development event

DIALOGUE 02: Digital Enhancement Group discussions around digital skills, online learning and digital MakerSpaces.

Meeting #2 CSM : Press Play

Yesterday we had our 2nd community meeting with BA Criticism, Communication & Curation students, and we were joined by Joe Easeman, Project Co-Ordinator for the DIAL project. 

CCW Digital Maker Week 16th to 20th May 2016

CCW Digital Maker Week 'Digital Making & Participatory Arts Practice' 16th t

Ande Gregson Fab Lab London - A story of serendipity - Lunchtime presentation at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Ande Gregson, Co-founder Fab Lab London and creative technologist. Exploring the intersection of science, arts & technology.

About CCW Digital Learning, Teaching & Enhancement

CCW Digital explore new academic, technical & student perspectives/engagement of digital across CCW.