This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.


Resources for Creative Online Practice

Please see list of resources and activities for supporting Creative Online Practice, the list will be update

Sign up for Digital Maker Collective latest updates & info list

Sign up for Digital Maker Collective latest updates & info list


Online Portfolio Tools for Creatives

Everyone seems to think that their online portfolio mus

Documenting visual thinking in virtual reality - Workshop

How can Virtual Reality be used as a useful tool to document your creative journey?

Posters for CCW Digital MakerSpace day Chelsea Jam

Download posters for CCW Digital MakerSpace day Chelsea Jam (see attached to download large PDF & small web size copies)

Slides DIALOGUE 02: Digital Enhancement event

Slides from DIALOGUE 02: Digital Enhancement Group discussions around digital skills, online learning and digital MakerSpaces See:

Digital New & The Familiar at Tate Exchange 8 Feb 2017

Digital New and The Familiar

Ways into the VFX industry

See video

Ways into the VFX industry So, you want to work in the VFX industry?  Don't know where to start?

Nancy Buabeng Group Padlets

Nancy Buabeng Group Padlets for DIALOGUE 02: Digital Enhancement Group discussions around digital skills, online learning and digita

Digital and Analogue Upcycle Group

The Digital and Analogue Upcycle Group will explore the relationship between old and new technology and how we Recycle/Upcycle old tech for art & design practice, we aim to build a UAL wide com