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52 - Red metal box

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Much good quality material can be sourced from items already made, used and then discarded.

53 - Pool ball cube

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An attempt to combine the cube and the sphere in one object.

54 - Cast aluminium sphere

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Creating an object in separate components to be combined later can often help to overcome technical or production problems, see paper sphere,

36 - Laser cut acrylic sphere

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The ability of the laser cutting process to cut lines of very narrow width, enables components to be fitted with very close tolerances, while producing delicate parts that might not withstand the s

08 - Steel cube

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Six identical mild steel squares are gas welded along the edges and then ground square. The square hole reveals the thickness as being 20swg., or 0.9mm.

21 - Surrealist box

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A useful device for three-dimensional assemblages or collages of found objects, the glass-fronted box is a favourite tool for the exploration of juxtaposed objects.

43 - Cement cube

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Inexpensive, and mixed with sand immensely strong, cement is a useful casting material that unlike plaster can be used for work to be situated out doors.


39 - Terra-cotta cube

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Visible on the top, near the front corner is the small hole necessary for the air contained within the cube, to escape as it expands during firing in the kiln.

13 - Candle wax cube

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There are many types of wax with many different uses, but candle wax is inexpensive, easily obtained and melts at a relatively low temperature.

Poster for studio/workshop display; Cubes & Spheres 26 Cubes, 27 Spheres

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Paul Lindley (CCW) 26 Spheres, 27 Cubes - Widening scope of and access to technical information. In collaboration with Process Arts this practical research exercise investigates the wide