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Research & practice

Flipping the Classroom Requires More Than Video

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The term “flipped classroom” is most attributed to two chemistry teachers from Colorado, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, who pioneered the use of screencasting and video podcasting in

Audio recording Cambridge 2012 process.arts case study

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Open educational social media content groups and networks within the arts, design & media education - see post used during presentation

Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities (Video)

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Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities (full recording of panel session)

Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities (full recording of panel session)

D Angus TDP Video Summary

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David Angus TDP Final Video Summary

CLTAD Teaching Development Projects

This group contains a collection of outputs from Teaching Development Projects complete

Open educational social media content groups and networks within the arts, design & media education

This case study presentation explores the creative and educational potential, challenge

Analytics & Visitors Overview - Mar to Apr 2012

process.arts Analyti

Core materials OER

The core.materials project has been funded by the JISC and HEAcademy

Sherlock Holmes, Re-Created by Sarah Greenwood (skip ads)

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BAFTA-winning, Oscar-nominated production designer Sarah Greenwood speaks to at her new exhibition at the Arts Gallery at the University of the Arts London, where she recreates the product