This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
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Research & practice

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Drawing out 2012 - Friday highlights

Really enjoyed the Friday sessions of drawing out 2012, I didn't get chance to see everything but the few I did were really

The UAL Communities of Practice fund

The UAL Communities of Practice fund supports a number of staff who are members of existing communities of practice, or those who wish to develop a new community, to apply

Analytics & Visitors Overview - Feb to March 2012

Monthly updates on Visitors to process.arts, please see 1 month site analytics report

The Underground Curriculum

See video
The Underground Curriculum is an education system running parallel to the conventional system.

Analytics & Visitors Overview - Jan to Feb 2012

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Monthly updates on Visitors to process.arts, (please see 1 month site an

Quick Tips for Confidence: Introduction

See video

Katie has created lots more videos with top tips and tricks for planning and delivering great presentations, follow the link for more  

How to create a text post

How to create a text post

DIAL project: defining digital identity & practice

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Open discussion 18/01/12 around issues being addressed by the DIAL project.

Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)

Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) Free Image sharing site, a place to find images.