This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
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Research & practice

Making a 2 minute video

See video

The DIAL project were asked to produce a two minute video overview of the project to date.

What does open educational practice mean to you?

We had our forth ‘open education at UAL drop-in/focus group session at WCA 26/04/2012 following on from previous sessions at (CSM, LCF and CCAD) the sessions are part of a CLTAD project colla

Drawing on All Resources: developing open educational practice in art, design and media

Drawing on All Resources: developing open educational practice in art, design and media.

DIAL project 2-minute video update

Watch this video!

A video overview of the DIAL (Digital Integration into Arts Learning) project part of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme - http://dial.myblog.

Forum for Drawing, Touch Screen and Question Time

Derrick Welsh invites you to bring a photo or sketch that relates to your current practice, any touch screen device (if you have one) and a question.ipads will also be provided.

Crowd and cloud: towards a collaborative future

The Designs on e-Learning (DeL) conference (Crowd and cloud: towards a collaborative future, 5 – 7 September 2012) leads and f

Learn drupal - free online tutorials

Lots of great tutorials on FREE for UAL staff and students including drupal tutorials also see VTC training they have lots of free intor vide

Drupal UAL contacts/mailing list

UAL are forming a drupal UAL (open source web development) community, if you would like to be involved please leave your details and your brief background history

Developing your online professional identities

Own-it - intellectual property (IP) advice

Own-it offers intellectual property (IP) advice , information and learning resources for the creative sector.