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Open Education at the UAL – Focus and discussion group meetings

Open Education at the UAL  Focus and discussion group meetings – All Welcome

What: Open Education at the UAL

Where: Wimbledon College, 1st floor meeting room

DIAL UAL Baseline report


How are we going to baselinine the ‘digital’ landscape at UAL?

Notes from Friday's baselining session with JISC and the other Digital Literacies (DL) projects, the session was led by Helen Beetham.

DIAL: Digital Integration into Arts Learning

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DIAL focuses on the development of digital literacies in Arts Higher Education with the prima


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Sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities: 14/11/11, 12 - 1.30pm, Room 202, High Holborn.

Sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities

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How can sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities? How can industry and educational institutions collaborate around Open Education Resources?

Work based & work related learning within Higher Education

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FdA Graphic Design. Camberwell - Two years shaped by regular consultation with key industry figures.