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DIAL project


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Sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities: 14/11/11, 12 - 1.30pm, Room 202, High Holborn.

DIAL projects and activities

DIAL Developed & supported Communities of Practice and Interest groups.

DIAL UAL Baseline report


DIAL project 2-minute video update

Watch this video!

A video overview of the DIAL (Digital Integration into Arts Learning) project part of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme - http://dial.myblog.

Academic Leaders' Forum 29th June

DIAL project update: Project manager Chris Follows, Academic Leaders' Forum 29th June

Six UAL colleges and six differing approaches to digital literacies

In terms of DIAL college wide engagement CSM (POI project – BA Performance Des

ALT-C 2012 Mainstreaming grass roots innovation in open educational practice: benefits and challenges

Title: Mainstreaming grass roots innovation in open educational practice: benefits and challenges (ID 171)

Authors: Chris Follows

Global knitting

In the project I propose to set up a forum which can celebrate a multi cultural approach to learning and teaching knitting within the university.

DIAL project update, Strategic Development SMT 22/05/12

DIAL project update: Project manager Chris Follows Strategic Developm

How to join the DIAL blog

Watch this video!

How to join the DIAL blog on myblog.arts, If you don't have one already then please create a new account -