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Six UAL colleges and six differing approaches to digital literacies

In terms of DIAL college wide engagement CSM (POI project – BA Performance Des

DIAL at APT 2013

Conference presentation APT 2013

Defining Digital literacies focus group at LCF

The 3rd UAL Defining Digital literacies focus group took place at LCF on 5/6/13 DIAL were invited to deliver this as part of their Digital Champions Meeting.

Assessing Digital Literacy Levels of Pre-Degree Students : Information Graphic

This information graphic uses extracts from a survey designed to establish digital literacy levels of students offered places on London College of Communication’s BA (Hons)

DIAL Glossary of Terms & Acronyms for digital literacies at ual (draft)

Appendix 2 of the DIAL draft Final Report.

Digital Literacies & arts practice

The DIAL project has taken two approaches in 'Defining of Digital literacies at UAL' all based on the DIAL project findings from staff and student projects to date, these wil

Digital literacies in the arts focus group meeting

Mapping Digital literacies and competencies, as part of the 'Understandi

Cluster meeting 26 April 2013

JISC Cluster meeting 26 April 2013 Chris Follows & John Jackson, University of Arts London, Meeting of London JISC Digital literacies Programme projects, UCL, 26 April 2013.

DIAL at the JISC Learning and Teaching experts meeting 23/04/2013

First time I’d been to a JISC Learning and Teaching experts meeting, it was great to hear all about all the JISC activities and progress across the various JISC programmes.

Eckhart Tolle: Living with Meaning, Purpose and Wisdom in the Digital Age

See video

In a world and era where we are immersed in information and technology, a pressing question seems to